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RSI (1 Day)

DateSectorIndustryStock CodeCompany NameRSI
2024-05-08IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesAKSIPT Mineral Sumberdaya Mandiri Tbk23
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2024-05-08IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesHYGN PT Ecocare Indo Pasifik Tbk.38
2024-05-08IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesASSAPT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk44
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2024-05-08IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesSKRNPT Superkrane Mitra Utama Tbk61

RSI (1 Week)

DateSectorIndustryStock CodeCompany NameRSI
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesTRJAPT Transkon Jaya Tbk0
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesASSAPT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk0
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesSKRNPT Superkrane Mitra Utama Tbk0
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesAKSIPT Mineral Sumberdaya Mandiri Tbk0
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesHYGN PT Ecocare Indo Pasifik Tbk.1
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesWIDIPT Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk1
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesSMILPT Sarana Mitra Luas Tbk39

RSI (1 Month)


%K %D (1 Day)


%K %D (1 Week)

DateSectorIndustryStock CodeCompany Name
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesSKRNPT Superkrane Mitra Utama Tbk
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2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesTRJAPT Transkon Jaya Tbk
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesASSAPT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesWIDIPT Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesBPTRPT Batavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk
2024-04-28IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesSMILPT Sarana Mitra Luas Tbk
2024-04-21IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesHYGN PT Ecocare Indo Pasifik Tbk.

%K %D (1 Month)

DateSectorIndustryStock CodeCompany Name
2024-04-30IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesHYGN PT Ecocare Indo Pasifik Tbk.
2024-04-30IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesSKRNPT Superkrane Mitra Utama Tbk
2024-04-30IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesSMILPT Sarana Mitra Luas Tbk
2024-04-30IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesAKSIPT Mineral Sumberdaya Mandiri Tbk
2024-04-30IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesTRJAPT Transkon Jaya Tbk
2024-04-30IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesASSAPT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk
2024-04-30IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesWIDIPT Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk
2024-04-30IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesBPTRPT Batavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk

Bollinger %B (1 Day)

DateSectorIndustryStock CodeCompany NameBollinger UpperBollinger LowerBollinger %B
2024-05-08IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesWIDIPT Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk13.6611.24-0.10
2024-05-08IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesAKSIPT Mineral Sumberdaya Mandiri Tbk133.21126.09-0.29
2024-04-30IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesSMILPT Sarana Mitra Luas Tbk157.74129.36-0.15

Bollinger %B (1 Week)

DateSectorIndustryStock CodeCompany NameBollinger UpperBollinger LowerBollinger %B
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesTRJAPT Transkon Jaya Tbk305.48122.02-0.67
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesBPTRPT Batavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk96.9339.47-0.69
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesSKRNPT Superkrane Mitra Utama Tbk644.88253.12-0.65
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesAKSIPT Mineral Sumberdaya Mandiri Tbk186.2783.43-0.81
2024-05-05IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesASSAPT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk998.47475.03-0.91
2024-04-28IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesWIDIPT Widiant Jaya Krenindo Tbk47.260.54-0.01
2024-04-07IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesSMILPT Sarana Mitra Luas Tbk183.0073.70-0.67

Bollinger %B (1 Month)

DateSectorIndustryStock CodeCompany NameBollinger UpperBollinger LowerBollinger %B
2024-04-30IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesBPTRPT Batavia Prosperindo Trans Tbk159.3448.09-0.43
2024-04-30IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesSKRNPT Superkrane Mitra Utama Tbk717.61272.69-0.61
2024-04-30IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesAKSIPT Mineral Sumberdaya Mandiri Tbk308.5883.72-0.37
2024-04-30IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesTRJAPT Transkon Jaya Tbk356.13145.77-0.69
2024-04-30IndustrialsRental & Leasing ServicesASSAPT Adi Sarana Armada Tbk1275.26481.24-0.61

Summary | Statistics | LQ45 Summary | LQ45 Statistics | IDX30 Summary | IDX30 Statistics | Dividends Distribution | Dividends Amount | Dividends Yields | Stock Splits | Volume | Atmadja Index | Indicators 1D | Indicators 1W | Indicators 1M | Indicators Summary

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