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No SectorIndustryStock CodeCompany NameDateTimePrevious CloseOpenBidAskDay's RangeDay's Range-StartDay's Range-End52 Week Range52 Week Range-Start52 Week Range-EndVolumeAvg. VolumeMarket CapBeta (5Y Monthly)PE Ratio (TTM)EPS (TTM)Earnings DateForward Dividend & YieldForward DividendForward Dividend YieldEx-Dividend Date1y Target EstYTD Return
1Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsADMGPT. Polychem Indonesia Tbk2024-04-15At close: 03:49PM WIB131132131132130.00 - 132.00130132123.00 - 186.00123186703,800187,479509,483,000,00010-72N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
2Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsAVIAPT Avia Avian Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:07PM WIB550545555560545.00 - 565.00545565422.00 - 760.0042276012,435,80025,574,29434,365,000,000,00002127Feb 09, 202422.00 (3.96%)224Oct 24, 2023697
3Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsCHEMPT Chemstar Indonesia Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:05PM WIB7373737472.00 - 76.00727662.00 - 144.0062144637,00025,361,422124,102,000,000000N/A2.42 (3.32%)23Jun 09, 20230
4Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsCLPIPT Colorpak Indonesia Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:10PM WIB1,0101,0101,0001,0051,000.00 - 1,010.001,0001,010925.00 - 1,050.009251,050102,70092,601307,870,000,00017138N/A61.38 (6.11%)616Jul 11, 20230
5Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsDPNSPT Duta Pertiwi Nusantara Tbk2024-04-15At close: 10:34AM WIB416418416418414.00 - 418.00414418380.00 - 585.003805852,30036,349137,750,000,0000672N/A15.00 (3.61%)154Jul 05, 20230
6Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsEKADPT Ekadharma International Tbk2024-04-15At close: 03:29PM WIB246244244246244.00 - 246.00244246240.00 - 294.00240294192,800212,645852,504,000,00002146N/A9.00 (3.69%)94Jun 22, 20230
7Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsFPNIPT Lotte Chemical Titan Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:13PM WIB183183184185182.00 - 191.00182191177.00 - 246.00177246939,300851,9161,030,000,000,00020-1N/AN/A (N/A)00Dec 14, 20070
8Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsINCFPT Indo Komoditi Korpora Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB2422222222.00 - 22.00222222.00 - 51.002251276,00038,03631,644,000,000000N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
9Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsINCIPT Intanwijaya Internasional Tbk2024-04-15At close: 03:46PM WIB575575550560540.00 - 575.00540575495.83 - 625.0049662520,40058,430117,326,000,0000784N/AN/A (N/A)00Aug 30, 20210
10Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsKKESPT Kusuma Kemindo Sentosa Tbk2024-04-15At close: 03:00PM WIB505005050.00 - 50.00505050.00 - 112.00501123,10013,97175,000,000,000000N/A2.00 (4.00%)24May 30, 20230
11Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsLTLSPT Lautan Luas Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB1,1351,1301,1351,0701,125.00 - 1,135.001,1251,135975.00 - 1,350.009751,350302,400634,4311,757,000,000,000011104N/A75.00 (6.64%)757Jun 23, 20230
12Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsMDKIPT Emdeki Utama Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:04PM WIB199199199200198.00 - 200.00198200186.00 - 228.00186228246,900438,837503,500,000,00001315N/A10.00 (5.03%)105Jun 14, 20230
13Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsOBMDPT OBM Drilchem Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB262262260262258.00 - 262.00258262140.00 - 318.00140318435,300943,311211,170,000,000-300N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
14Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsOKASPT Ancora Indonesia Resources Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:02PM WIB8880878980.00 - 89.00808978.00 - 212.0078212948,5002,101,303206,490,000,000100N/AN/A (N/A)00Sep 14, 20110
15Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsPOLYPT Asia Pacific Fibers Tbk2024-04-15At close: 11:25AM WIB282602626.00 - 26.00262626.00 - 51.002651200,30014,40364,889,000,000026,0000N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
16Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsSMLESinergi Multi Lestarindo Tbk.2024-04-15At close: 04:11PM WIB139140146147139.00 - 148.0013914896.00 - 316.009631633,673,300129,390,186342,234,000,000000N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
17Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsTDPMPT Tridomain Performance Materials Tbk2024-04-15At close: 03:06PM WIB11912100118.00 - 121.00118121118.00 - 121.001181212,543,50001,248,000,000,0000167Mar 20, 2024N/A (N/A)00N/A0
18Basic MaterialsSpecialty ChemicalsTPIAPT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:14PM WIB6,9757,0257,0757,1006,875.00 - 7,100.006,8757,1001,995.00 - 7,100.001,9957,10032,934,80038,403,386614,232,000,000,00010-8Jun 17, 2024 - Jun 21, 20246.96 (0.10%)70May 29, 20231,772

Summary | Statistics | LQ45 Summary | LQ45 Statistics | IDX30 Summary | IDX30 Statistics | Dividends Distribution | Dividends Amount | Dividends Yields | Stock Splits | Volume | Atmadja Index | Indicators 1D | Indicators 1W | Indicators 1M | Indicators Summary

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