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ECIIPT Electronic City Indonesia Tbk
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No SectorIndustryStock CodeCompany NameDateTimePrevious CloseOpenBidAskDay's RangeDay's Range-StartDay's Range-End52 Week Range52 Week Range-Start52 Week Range-EndVolumeAvg. VolumeMarket CapBeta (5Y Monthly)PE Ratio (TTM)EPS (TTM)Earnings DateForward Dividend & YieldForward DividendForward Dividend YieldEx-Dividend Date1y Target EstYTD Return
1Consumer CyclicalLodgingAKKUPT Anugerah Kagum Karya Utama Tbk2024-04-15At close: 02:55PM WIB242202222.00 - 22.00222222.00 - 55.002255100370,433141,888,000,00001950N/AN/A (N/A)00Dec 15, 20060
2Consumer CyclicalLodgingARTAPT Arthavest Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB2,6902,7002,7002,7002,700.00 - 2,700.002,7002,7001,415.00 - 3,000.001,4153,00025,00026,2331,206,000,000,00000-5N/A100.00 (3.70%)1004Jun 06, 20230
3Consumer CyclicalLodgingBUVAPT Bukit Uluwatu Villa Tbk2024-04-15At close: 03:10PM WIB5656555655.00 - 57.00555734.00 - 72.003472103,2001,666,5151,153,000,000,0000115N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
4Consumer CyclicalLodgingCLAYPT Citra Putra Realty Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:02PM WIB360000360.00 - 360.0036036086.00 - 400.008640006,837925,200,000,00010-2May 01, 2024 - May 02, 2024N/A (N/A)00N/A0
5Consumer CyclicalLodgingEASTPT Eastparc Hotel Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB139137139140137.00 - 141.0013714195.00 - 184.0095184934,9001,213,786573,571,000,0000344N/A8.61 (6.19%)96Nov 16, 20230
6Consumer CyclicalLodgingESTAPT Esta Multi Usaha Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:05PM WIB7879767976.00 - 81.00768162.00 - 136.00621361,332,2007,107,398184,327,000,000000N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
7Consumer CyclicalLodgingFITTPT Hotel Fitra International Tbk2024-04-15At close: 03:20PM WIB575575585590575.00 - 590.00575590464.00 - 665.00464665720,900550,569428,417,000,00010-7N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
8Consumer CyclicalLodgingHOTLPT. Saraswati Griya Lestari Tbk2024-04-15At close: 02:06PM WIB5000050.00 - 50.00505050.00 - 50.00505000177,500,000,00000-12N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
9Consumer CyclicalLodgingHRMEPT Menteng Heritage Realty Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB2422222222.00 - 22.00222222.00 - 52.0022521,149,600123,866131,093,000,00000-2N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
10Consumer CyclicalLodgingICONPT Island Concepts Indonesia Tbk2024-04-15At close: 03:17PM WIB505005050.00 - 50.00505050.00 - 85.00508513,2004,40954,487,000,00000-2N/AN/A (N/A)00Jun 16, 20150
11Consumer CyclicalLodgingINDOPT Royalindo Investa Wijaya Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:05PM WIB100100100101100.00 - 101.0010010184.00 - 120.0084120241,4002,659,705442,667,000,0001313N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
12Consumer CyclicalLodgingJIHDPT Jakarta International Hotels & Development Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:06PM WIB370370362370362.00 - 370.00362370310.00 - 498.0031049819,00019,383843,112,000,00001623N/AN/A (N/A)00Jul 10, 19970
13Consumer CyclicalLodgingMAMIPT Mas Murni Indonesia, Tbk2024-04-15At close: 11:27AM WIB50500050.00 - 50.00505050.00 - 50.0050503,3000615,255,000,00000-8N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
14Consumer CyclicalLodgingMINAPT Sanurhasta Mitra Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB2624242424.00 - 24.00242424.00 - 67.002467512,00090,067157,500,000,000000Mar 30, 2024 - Apr 03, 2024N/A (N/A)00N/A0
15Consumer CyclicalLodgingNATOPT Surya Permata Andalan Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB160158160144150.00 - 160.0015016091.00 - 525.0091525415,50099,681,4781,280,000,000,000-11,2310N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
16Consumer CyclicalLodgingPGLIPT Pembangunan Graha Lestari Indah Tbk2024-04-15At close: 03:42PM WIB138138133144132.00 - 160.00132160121.00 - 300.00121300117,90042,56266,368,000,00000-57N/A12.00 (8.82%)129Jul 11, 20230
17Consumer CyclicalLodgingPLANPT Planet Properindo Jaya Tbk2024-04-15At close: 02:42PM WIB2121202120.00 - 21.00202119.00 - 35.0019351,200215,19418,831,000,00000-1N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
18Consumer CyclicalLodgingPSKTPT Red Planet Indonesia Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:00PM WIB2624242424.00 - 24.00242424.00 - 58.002458917,3002,212,490248,429,000,00000-1N/AN/A (N/A)00Dec 14, 20110
19Consumer CyclicalLodgingSHIDPT Hotel Sahid Jaya International Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:05PM WIB1,2351,2351,2251,2301,210.00 - 1,235.001,2101,235625.00 - 3,620.006253,62030,100486,2521,371,000,000,00000-10N/AN/A (N/A)00Dec 17, 20130
20Consumer CyclicalLodgingSNLKPT Sunter Lakeside Hotel Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:04PM WIB505505555560500.00 - 575.00500575462.00 - 1,245.004621,2456,896,1003,302,675252,000,000,00010-19N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0
21Consumer CyclicalLodgingSOTSPT Satria Mega Kencana Tbk2024-04-15At close: 04:06PM WIB196191189190190.00 - 199.0019019982.00 - 510.008251069,500495,290190,000,000,00010-25N/AN/A (N/A)00N/A0

Summary | Statistics | LQ45 Summary | LQ45 Statistics | IDX30 Summary | IDX30 Statistics | Dividends Distribution | Dividends Amount | Dividends Yields | Stock Splits | Volume | Atmadja Index | Indicators 1D | Indicators 1W | Indicators 1M | Indicators Summary

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